NACDD Statement on the Passing of President George H.W. Bush Robin Troutman (07 Dec 2018 09:13 EST)
RE: NACDD Statement on the Passing of President George H.W. Bush Swedeen, Beth - BPDD (07 Dec 2018 13:37 EST)

NACDD Statement on the Passing of President George H.W. Bush Robin Troutman 07 Dec 2018 09:13 EST
Hi everyone
I am sending this out for those who may not have seen it on Wednesday when we posted it.
Thanks so much and have a great weekend

National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities Statement on the Passing of President George H.W. Bush
WASHINGTON - This past weekend, the disability community lost a very important advocate, President George H.W Bush. Today, the National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities (NACDD) joins the country in recognizing a national day of mourning for the loss of such an esteemed man and visionary leader.

In addition to many important things that President Bush accomplished during his 8 years as Vice President and 4 years as President of the United States, he signed, on July 26, 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The ADA, modeled after the Civil Rights Act of 1964, prohibits the discrimination of persons with disabilities in all aspects of life. The implementation of the law began a continuous discussion about the inclusion of people with disabilities and creating a more accessible society for people of all abilities. "When President Bush was asked by journalists and others about his accomplishments during his Presidency, without fail he always said signing the ADA was the single most important accomplishment he had," said Donna Meltzer, CEO of the NACDD. "He and members of his Administration were true to the effort of passage of this great law and spoke to his beliefs as an individual."

"Together, we must remove the physical barriers we have created and the social barriers that we have accepted," President Bush said as he signed the ADA into law. "For ours will never be a truly prosperous nation until all within it prosper."

The ADA opened countless doors for people with disabilities in education, employment, transportation and community living. The NACDD continues to fight for the rights of persons with disabilities, and upholds the legacy that President Bush he has left. More than 28 years after its signing, the Americans with Disabilities Act remains one of the most crucial pieces of legislation that the United States has passed to ensure the rights of people with disabilities. We are grateful for President H.W. Bush and others who envisioned a just and inclusive society.

Robin Troutman
Deputy Director
National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities
1825 K Street, NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC  20006
202.506.5813 Ext. 105 (Phone)<>