Does anyone have information (or can point me in the right direction for information) for any/all of the following:

  1. Rates of substance use (legal and illegal) among people with I/DD
  2. Rates of substance use disorder among people with I/DD
  3. Rates of opioid addiction among people with I/DD
  4. Prescription of opioids to people with I/DD
  5. Evidence informed or based prevention programs that are responsive/accessible to people with I/DD
  6. Evidence informed or based treatment programs that are responsive/accessible to people with I/DD


The following information came from my google searches. I have yet to contact authors, although I’ve been questioning people I meet who I thought might know about this.



Thanks in advance,





Joanna Cordry
Planning Director
Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities
6201 E. Oltorf, Ste. 600 | Austin, TX 78741
O: 512-437-5410 | F: 512-437-5434 | 

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