Does anyone have information (or can point me in the right direction for information) for any/all of the following:
- Rates of substance use (legal and illegal) among people with I/DD
- Rates of substance use disorder among people with I/DD
- Rates of opioid addiction among people with I/DD
- Prescription of opioids to people with I/DD
- Evidence informed or based
prevention programs that are responsive/accessible to people with I/DD
- Evidence informed or based
treatment programs that are responsive/accessible to people with I/DD
The following information came from my google searches. I have yet to contact authors, although I’ve been questioning people I meet who I thought might know about this.
- 1999 Medicaid claims from 49 states and found that, of 366,606 people with a diagnostic code for ID,
2.6% (n=9,484) also had a code for a substance use related treatment.
- When a person with ID also has a mental illness or a dual diagnosis, the estimates of co-occurring substance abuse range from 7% to 20%
Among those who have access to and regularly use intoxicating substances, there is potentially a higher risk of abuse and addiction. When there are multiple diagnoses of intellectual disabilities or of comorbid mental illnesses,
that risk increases substantially.
In particular, people with intellectual disabilities (ID) suffer disproportionately from substance use problems, due largely to a lack of empirical evidence on what substance-related disorder prevention and treatment
efforts are effective for them
From the results of one study: While cannabis use was the only illicit substance reported, current tobacco and alcohol use were shown to be highly prevalent (48%-45.5%).