

I always remember you bright smile and bubbly personality to move the DD Councils forward.


I wish the best for you in retirement.




From: [] On Behalf Of Sherry L. Manning
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2018 11:27 AM
To:; Aimee Hadleigh; Brian Patchett; Cassandra Zavala; Catherine M. Nielsen; Cheryl Schumacher; David Sorensen (; Dena Schmidt; Ellen Marquez (DHHS); Jack Mayes; Jacob Arant; Jennifer Casselman; Jodi Thornley; John Arant;; Kari Horn; Kathleen Kingston; Kimberly Ortega; Lauralyn McCarthy; Lisa Bonie; Louis Renshaw; Renee Portnell; Robbin Dunn; Ron Futrell; Russell Lehmann; Santa Perez; Shannon Sprout; Shelley Hendren; Sherry L. Manning; Stephen Schumacher; Steve Rock; Vickie S. Ives
Cc: Newell-Perez, Sara (ACL/AIDD) (;; Cruz, Allison (ACL/AIDD) (
Subject: DD Councils Good bye and Thank you for Everything


Dear NGCDD Members, NGCDD Staff, Council Executive Directors, NACDD Staff, AIDD Staff and Other States Council Staff I have worked with:


As I finish up my last hours here as Executive Director for the Nevada Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities .... I want to take a moment to tell each of you how important you have been in my life.  You have not only been a part of my working life, but you have become my Friends.  What we do is so important, and I know that the great work that has been accomplished by every person in every state will continue.    The comradery and support that we give each other, I believe; is very unique and does not exist in most work environments.  I will miss you so much.


Since my email will be deleted at the end of the day, please stay in touch with me at my personal email address and/or my cell phone 775-742-2374.


Sending love and a virtual hug to all of you as I head into retirement!


Sherry Manning, Executive Director

Nevada Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities

896 W. Nye Lane  Suite 202

Carson City, NV  89703

775-684-8619   Telephone

775-684-8621  Direct Line

775-684-8626   Fax  Website  Email



"Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared."



*Please note that if you are a member of the NGCDD Council, or a Council Committee, any response to an email in the form of “reply to all” may constitute an open meeting law violation.*


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