A lot of the self-advocates leaders we work with have smart phones and we have not heard any complaints about barriers to getting these devices.  This is something that has surprised me.  We haven't heard any complaints from the broader self-advocate community.


On Tue, Dec 19, 2017 at 7:21 AM, Bax, Rebecca <rbax1@dhs.state.ia.us> wrote:
Good morning, 

Earlier this year, I had the opportunity to use the Des Moines public transit system. In an effort to be in all the right places at the right time, I relied heavily on my smartphone. For example, if I had a meeting not at my office, I used the online trip planner and then sent the information to my smartphone for stop information and times. 

My concern for people with disabilities through this experience was the affordability of smartphones and the service plans. Are any other Council's hearing this from their members? Do you have current projects geared toward addressing this issue? 

On a separate note, but still transportation related, has any Council had experience with the Every Place Counts leadership academy? https://www.transportation.gov/leadershipacademy I'm thinking this would be a powerful advocacy experience for an individual that wants to serve on their regional transit boards and provide input to the Transit ADA transition plans. 

Thank you in advance, and happy Tuesday, 
Rebecca Lynn Bax
Executive Director
Iowa Developmental Disabilities Council


Executive Director
4506 SE Belmont Street, Suite 101, Portland OR 97215