Dear NACDD Members – today is the 27th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act – Happy Anniversary! For many reasons I love this day as I know you do too. I was privileged to work on this bill from start to finish as a young advocate right out of school in the late 1980s and was part of the planning of the signing ceremony at the White House for the event. What a day it was! Sadly though, instead of taking time to celebrate today, we must use that energy to continue the fight on health care. As you may know, health care was not part of the original ADA as it became too controversial to include and assure passage of the bill. We were therefore thrilled when 7 years ago we passed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act as it for the first time really addressed the health care needs of people with disabilities. While we know the law is imperfect and does not resolve everyone’s problems, it was a start in the right direction.


I hope that you will join me (at least in spirit) and continue to fight to protect health care and Medicaid for people with developmental and other disabilities today. Today and tomorrow are critical as the Senate will roll out a series of votes. In particular I wanted you to know that several Senators who care deeply about the needs of people with developmental disabilities have events happening today to honor the ADA Anniversary and Senator Casey will be introducing an amendment today asking Congress to evaluate the harm of its bill on people with disabilities. If you are local and can be there in person, please come to the Hill – see the information below.


I thank you all for everything you have done and continue to do to protect our health care and Medicaid. Keep up the fight and do take a moment today to reflect on the last 27 years and the positive impact it has had for people with disabilities.







If you are in DC, please join the disability and healthcare events today:


 1.  ADA anniversary press event at noon:  Please join Sen. Bob Casey on Wednesday, July 26th from 12:00  to 12:30 p.m. in front of the Supreme Court to celebrate the 27th Anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Sen. Casey will be joined by Sen. Van Hollen, Sen. Duckworth, and Sen. Hassan as well as Shawn Aleong of Philadelphia.


2.  Senator Casey will be introducing an amendment asking Congress to evaluate the harm of its bill on people with disabilities around 2:45 pm.  It would be great if we could have people there to show support.  See detailed info below and email Michael Gamel-McCormick if you are interested.



Hi, all. We still don’t have a lot of clarity about process going forward. Since some amendments have been offered already, we are technically in a voteroma but the real wam bam will come tomorrow late afternoon/evening.


At around 2:45 there will be an hour of debate on the Casey disability motion to consider. He will highlight the damage to people with disabilities that this bill will do. He would like to have some people with disabilities in the gallery and in the foyer of the Senate. On the floor he will highlight the irony of the anniversary of the ADA and the Senate considering striping away supports that allow those with disabilities to exercise those rights. He’d like to be able to refer to people in the gallery. We can provide gallery passes and we’ll get some interns to take those who want to go to the foyer area outside the Senate Chamber. If you can attend please contact Michael Gamel-McCormick at :
