Hi all,
The NC Council on Developmental Disabilities is interested in the possibly developing a user-friendly I/DD employment resource guide for NC. Our review so far has resulted in turning up plenty of information but often technical and not very user friendly, requiring a certain comfort level navigating web based information and filtering through a variety of resources to find specific information pertaining to I/DD.
To that end our Council would like to learn about available in other states:
1. An easy to use online employment resource guide that is friendly to use for someone with I/DD that provides a list of potential contacts or agencies and also provides guidance on navigating those various systems that can point to the resources to help guide someone to competitive integrated employment.
2. A guide that provides information targeted to reach families, businesses, educators, as well as self-advocates.
We would appreciate information or recommendations that you can provide as we continue to learn more about what is current and useful.
Thanks in advance for your assistance with this.
Christopher Egan
Executive Director
North Carolina Council on Developmental Disabilities
North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services
(919) 850-2901 office/TDD
(919) 850-2915 fax
(800) 357-6916 toll free
3125 Poplarwood Court, Suite 200
Raleigh, NC 27604
2010 Mail Service CenterRaleigh, NC 27699
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Marcia Tewell
Executive Director
Colorado Developmental Disabilities Council
Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in. L. Cohen
1120 Lincoln Street, Suite 706
Denver, CO 80203-2117
The D.D. Council is 100% federally funded under the D.D. Assistance and Bill of Rights Act. Our goal is to achieve freedom and interdependence of persons with disabilities and their families to live typical lives. The Council's system change strategies include both advocacy in public policy efforts and grant making.