Hi everyone

There was an error in the nominations application. Please use the attached instead


I apologize for the inconvenience



From: Robin Troutman
Sent: Friday, May 05, 2017 10:57 AM
To: 'xxxxxx@nacdd.simplelists.com' <xxxxxx@nacdd.simplelists.com>; Aaron Carruthers <xxxxxx@scdd.ca.gov>; Ann Trudgeon <xxxxxx@okdhs.org>; Arlene Poncelet <xxxxxx@state.sd.us>; Becky Harker <xxxxxx@dhs.state.ia.us>; Beth Stalvey <xxxxxx@tcdd.texas.gov>; Beth Swedeen <xxxxxx@wisconsin.gov>; Brian Cox <xxxxxx@md-council.org>; Carolyn Knight <xxxxxx@dodd.ohio.gov>; Charles Hughes <xxxxxx@dmh.ms.gov>; Chris Egan <xxxxxx@dhhs.nc.gov>; Christine Dahlberg <xxxxxx@gcpd.in.gov>; Christine Pisani <xxxxxx@icdd.idaho.gov>; Claire Mantonya <xxxxxx@utah.gov>; Colleen Wieck <xxxxxx@state.mn.us>; Daniel M. Shannon <xxxxxx@state.ma.us>; Deborah Swingley <xxxxxx@mtcdd.org>; Debra Dowds <xxxxxx@fddc.org>; Ed Holen <xxxxxx@ddc.wa.gov>; Elmyra Jones <xxxxxx@mh.alabama.gov>; Eric Jacobson <xxxxxx@gcdd.ga.gov>; Eric Munson <xxxxxx@dfa.arkansas.gov>; Erica McFadden <xxxxxx@azdes.gov>; Graham Mulholland <xxxxxx@state.pa.us>; Heidi Lawyer <xxxxxx@VBPD.virginia.gov>; Isadora Legendre <xxxxxx@ddc.nh.gov>; Jaime Daignault <xxxxxx@ocdd.org>; John Block <xxxxxx@state.nm.us>; Julie Horntvedt <xxxxxx@nd.gov>; Kevin Casey <xxxxxx@njcdd.org>; Kevin Nerney <xxxxxx@riddc.org>; Kim Mercer <xxxxxx@illinois.gov>; Kirsten Murphy <xxxxxx@vermont.gov>; Kristen Larsen <xxxxxx@nebraska.gov>; Marcia Tewell <xxxxxx@state.co.us>; Matthew Mccollough <xxxxxx@dc.gov>; Melissa Marshall <xxxxxx@ct.gov>; Nancy Cronin <xxxxxx@maine.gov>; Norma Smith <xxxxxx@dhss.as>; Pam Sablan <xxxxxx@gmail.com>; Pat Maichle <xxxxxx@state.de.us>; xxxxxx@ky.gov; Patrick Reinhart <xxxxxx@alaska.gov>; Rosanne Ada <xxxxxx@gddc.guam.gov>; Sandee Winchell <xxxxxx@la.gov>; Shannon Buller <xxxxxx@wyo.gov>; Sheila M. Carey <xxxxxx@ddpc.ny.gov>; Sherry Manning <xxxxxx@dhhs.nv.gov>; Steve Gieber <xxxxxx@kcdd.org>; Steve Wiseman <xxxxxx@wv.gov>; Valarie Bishop <xxxxxx@admin.sc.gov>; Vendella Collins <collinsv1@michigan.gov>; Vendella Collins <xxxxxx@michigan.gov>; Vicky Davidson <xxxxxx@moddcouncil.org>; Wanda Willis <xxxxxx@tn.gov>; Waynette Cabral <xxxxxx@doh.hawaii.gov>; Yvonne D. Petersen <xxxxxx@gmail.com>
Cc: Donna Meltzer <xxxxxx@nacdd.org>; Jessica Misilo <xxxxxx@nacdd.org>; Deanna Hartzman <xxxxxx@nacdd.org>; Cindy Smith <xxxxxx@nacdd.org>; Sheryl Matney <xxxxxx@nacdd.org>; Angela Castillo-Epps <xxxxxx@nacdd.org>
Subject: From the Desk of Molly Cole-- 2017 NACDD Board Nominations


Dear Member Councils:


The Nominations Committee is working to develop a list of candidates for the NACDD Board of Directors.  To that end, we are seeking qualified individuals from the membership to register their interest in becoming nominees.


On behalf of the Nominations Committee, we encourage all interested and qualified individuals to indicate your interest to serve in these important leadership positions.  We look forward to the elections at the July meeting.




Molly Cole

Nominations Committee Chair