Hi Joanna. We have never had an issue with CILs being able to come up with match. They apply for our grants all the time
From: Cordry, Joanna [mailto:xxxxxx@tcdd.texas.gov]
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2017 05:11 PM
To: xxxxxx@nacdd.simplelists.com <xxxxxx@nacdd.simplelists.com>
Subject: DD Councils Match provided by CILs

Hi all –


We’ve had it reported to us that some Centers for Independent Living don’t/can’t apply for our grants because they can’t come up with the non-federal match that is required. Not all, but some have this issue – so much of their funding is federal, or their other resources are being used to match other federal funds, that they have little to offer. I feel fairly sure they understand all the different things that can be used as match. One of them told me that they have a grant from the  U.S. Department of Transportation that did not have the same match requirements we do.


Has anyone else faced this issue, and if so, how did you manage it?


Thanks for any and all help. Or commiseration.


Happy St. Patrick’s Day!




Joanna Cordry, M.Ed.

Planning Director

Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities

6201 East Oltorf, Suite 600 | Austin, Texas 78741

P: 512.437.5410 | F: 512.437.5434

xxxxxx@tcdd.texas.gov | www.tcdd.texas.gov




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