As a professional in the field of Rehabilitation Counseling working with youth's in Florida's Juvenile Justice system, I can tell you that the needs for appropriate services are great. Often time youth's with a developmental disability are placed in long term treatment and "housed" because there are no specific programs to meet their needs. These youth's are subjected to abuse by both staff and other youth's who present with a high criminogenic history. Youth's who are borderline intellectual disabilities often go undetected, are at higher risk to be abused, and do not receive appropriate education. They are the highest group to re-offend, highest recidivism and serve longer "treatment" time because of behaviors. I strongly believe that we need to start advocating for these youths and I am glad that the NACDD is raising awareness to this huge problem. 

All the best, 
Mercedes Ramirez

On Thu, Mar 9, 2017 at 9:41 AM, Cronin, Nancy E <> wrote:

Maine has been approached by the juvenile corrections community.  They have requested help especially with youth who have ASD within the corrections system.  We are putting together a training in which we are providing 50% of the funds to entice a national speaker.  Dept of Corrections is paying for the other half.  They have committed to having all of their juvenile case managers attend the training.




From: [] On Behalf Of Berg, Kimberly (DDPC)
Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2017 3:45 PM
Subject: DD Councils Juvenile Justice


Hello!  I am writing to ascertain what projects other councils have in the area of juvenile justice.  I’d love any information on what other councils are doing, and/or other promising programs that folks have come across.  Many thanks!


Kimberly Berg

Program Planner


NYS Developmental Disabilities Planning Council

99 Washington Avenue, Suite 1230, Albany, NY 12210

Phone: (518) 486-7505 |


Mercedes Jimenez-Ramirez
 The world belongs not to those that dream, but those that make their dream a reality...