From: Claire Mantonya DHS [mailto:xxxxxx@utah.gov]
Sent: Friday, February 03, 2017 12:52 PM
To: xxxxxx@nacdd.simplelists.com <xxxxxx@nacdd.simplelists.com>
Subject: DD Councils Friday success and shout out to the Pennsylvania DD Council
Greetings and some Friday bragging from Salt Lake City!

Utah's self-advocacy speaker's network is a project managed by our sister agency - the Utah State Center for Persons with Disabilities. This week a panel of 3 speakers shared their perspectives in a presentation to 59 direct line prison staff on disability issues and it was very well received.  (The facilitator noted that he had not had his trainees so engaged with any speakers he has used in the past.)  

During the presentation they utilized a great video resource found on the internet produced by the Pennsylvania Council in 2015 - "Disability in the Criminal Justice System: Best Practices for Law Enforcement and Corrections."  

Thank you Pennsylvania!  It was a great addition to our presentation and I wanted to let everyone know of this resource!

Have a great weekend!


Claire Mantonya
Utah Developmental Disabilities Council
801-201-9110 - cell