Thank you!

On Tue, Jan 24, 2017 at 11:01 AM, Swedeen, Beth - BPDD <> wrote:

Sure, Jaime. Here it is in word, so you can strip the logo, add or delete questions, etc.




From: [] On Behalf Of Jaime Daignault
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 12:21 PM
Subject: Re: DD Councils Re: Medicaid, federal policy resources, grassroots survey you can adapt from WI


Hi Beth,


Thank you for these resources!  Is it possible to get the printed survey so we can duplicate?




On Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at 6:46 PM, Jacobson, Eric <> wrote:



Thanks for sending this.  I would expect we are all struggling with what this means and how it might impact people with developmental disabilities and their families.  I would hope this will be discussed in depth at the Disability Policy Seminar and I would ask that NACDD host a webinar to talk about this as an issue.


Eric E. Jacobson
Executive Director
Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities
(404) 657-2126

From: <> on behalf of Swedeen, Beth - BPDD <>
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2017 9:13:02 PM
Subject: DD Councils Medicaid, federal policy resources, grassroots survey you can adapt from WI


Hi folks,

We have multiple orgs in WI working together on educating the grassroots, as well as gathering stories from real people as we encourage local teams to set up in-district visits with their legislators regarding Medicaid block grants and the ACA re: its impact on PWD. I wanted to share these presentation/educational training resources: please adapt as you see fit for your states and for use by national groups (Donna, Cindy). 


A special shout-out to our state disability coalition's "Am I Impacted by Changes to Medicaid?" survey (the 4th/final document). This Survey Monkey is designed to simultaneously educate people about what Medicaid programs they use/how much they depend on them, and gather impacts for legislators on what is at stake if the program is significantly cut (families leaving jobs, moves to nursing homes/facilities, etc.) there's also an open question to gather stories, and a query on how they are willing to act (write letters, go on legislative visits, etc). We can put people's addresses through a database and find their legislative districts for easy mobilization. 


Please adapt and use these surveys in any ways to help your Partners in Policymakers, grassroots groups, coalition partners, etc. Why re-invent the wheel? No need to give credit: just plug in your own state's info.

Best to all,



Impact of ACA repeal on people with disabilities


Potential impact of Medicaid Block Grants on Wisconsin and people with disabilities:


Presidential appointments to federal agencies important to people with disabilities:


“Am I impacted by changes to Medicaid” survey by Survival Coalition:





Executive Director

4506 SE Belmont Street, Suite 101, Portland OR 97215



Executive Director
4506 SE Belmont Street, Suite 101, Portland OR 97215