Q1. WI has a full self-direction option (called IRIS) that has been chosen by nearly 14,000 LTSS participants: nearly half of those are people with I/DD. One of our remaining legacy counties (Dane where Madison,
WI is located) uses full self-direction as well, and 95% of participants choose it, so that’s an additional 2,000 individuals. Our state uses a shared decision-making model so families and others who are close to the individual are heavily involved. As a
result, it includes many of the individuals who have the most complex care needs. Participant satisfaction is very high, because people can choose their own supports and workers. They do not need to use an agency. This is especially useful in rural areas where
the caregiver crisis is most acute. Based on consumer feedback, the self-direction option is rated higher in satisfaction that our traditional managed care option. We are just beginning full participation in NCI, so I can’t provide comparisons around NCI indicators
between managed care and the full self-directed option, but that’s a good question to ask.
Best wishes,
Beth Swedeen,
Executive Director
(608) 266-1166
From: xxxxxx@nacdd.simplelists.com [mailto:xxxxxx@nacdd.simplelists.com]
On Behalf Of Dyer, Rachel M
Sent: Monday, November 28, 2016 12:33 PM
To: xxxxxx@nacdd.simplelists.com
Subject: DD Councils 2 questions regarding services
Good Afternoon
Q1: I know we’ve fielded questions about his before, but things change so quickly. If your state offers self-directed DD services, how (well) does the program accommodate people who need more assistance with making decisions? If the program
works well, I’d love to know why. How is access and quality as compared to a traditional service model?
Q2: I’m also wondering what other states are seeing in terms availability/use of of self pay services, especially adult services.
Thanks very much.
Rachel Dyer
Associate Director
Maine Developmental Disabilities Council
- promoting full inclusion for people with developmental disabilities
225 Western Ave, Ste 4
Augusta, ME 04330
207-287-4221 800-244-3990