Hi everyone!  I can’t believe it is already Fall of 2016!  What an amazing year it has been and there is so much more to come.


Despite the weather getting cooler, NACDD staff is starting to think about next summer when we bring our Annual Conference to Salt Lake City, Utah!


We would love to hear your thoughts on the 2017 theme and possible breakouts.  We have created a short survey, and would appreciate your responses: https://nacdd.typeform.com/to/OdCW1L


Have a fabulous weekend and we look forward to hearing from you!


If you would like to see the photos from the 2016 conference in Washington DC, you can go here: https://washingtonphoto.shootproof.com/gallery/nacdd16/.  The pin code is 0716 and that will allow you to download any of the images free of charge!


Thanks so much



Robin Troutman

Deputy Director of Operations

National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities

1825 K Street, NW, Suite 600

Washington, DC  20006

202.506.5813 Ext. 105 (Phone)

202.506.5846 (Fax)

