Colorado uses a ReadSpeak option that is not necessarily a new idea, but I see it as essential given that many of our site visitors may not read easily.  Feel free to visit our site as it is newly finished, but my favorite feature is ReadSpeak.  marcia

On Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 12:48 PM, Steve Gieber <> wrote:
We are wanting to overhaul our website and plan on putting out a request for bid soon.  Does anyone have a scope of work for a good website that we could look at?  Or if you have recently updated your website can you give us any suggestions?


Marcia Tewell

Executive Director

Colorado Developmental Disabilities Council


Ring the bells that still can ring.  Forget your perfect offering.  There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in.    L. Cohen




1120 Lincoln Street, Suite 706

Denver, CO  80203-2117 


Teleconference call-in number 
Passcode: 662498*



The D.D. Council is 100% federally funded under the D.D. Assistance and Bill of Rights Act.  Our goal is to achieve freedom and interdependence of persons with disabilities and their families to live typical lives.  The Council's system change strategies include both advocacy in public policy efforts and grant making.