Steve,  Our Project SEARCH was in local hospitals and were generally successful.  Upon the federal push to hire folks with disabilities, SEARCH went to our Federal Center as a hosting site.  It failed due to the personnel rules and rigidity thereof - not sure what the solution is, but hope there is one.  Marcia

On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 11:08 AM, Steve Gieber <> wrote:
Do any state governments providing a preference for the employment of people with disabilities by state government.  Kansas is looking at doing something like this but we don’t know how to make it work.  Do you ask on the application and then how do you manage a preference.  I am hoping some other state has this figured out.


Marcia Tewell

Executive Director

Colorado Developmental Disabilities Council


Ring the bells that still can ring.  Forget your perfect offering.  There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in.    L. Cohen




1120 Lincoln Street, Suite 706

Denver, CO  80203-2117 


Teleconference call-in number 
Passcode: 662498*



The D.D. Council is 100% federally funded under the D.D. Assistance and Bill of Rights Act.  Our goal is to achieve freedom and interdependence of persons with disabilities and their families to live typical lives.  The Council's system change strategies include both advocacy in public policy efforts and grant making.