The NACDD Board of Directors is pleased to present the Assembly, for its review and endorsement, with a strategic plan that outlines the vision for the organization moving forward over the next three years from October 2016 through September 2019.  This plan, a first for NACDD, was developed through the input of a wide range of people committed to our mission including self-advocates, families, Council leadership and staff, and other stakeholders across the states and territories.  The heart of this strategic plan is about raising visibility and achieving results on political, social, economic and community issues that greatly impact people with developmental disabilities and their families.  

NACDD will do this as a….


·         Champion, raising public awareness about the capabilities, contributions and concerns of people with DD and their families, and about the impact of DD Councils.

·         Catalyst, stimulating innovative initiatives that make a positive impact by leveraging the impact of DD councils at the national, state and community levels, and motivating the participation of diverse stakeholders.

·         Advocate, pursuing national policies that uphold and advance the rights of people with DD, and secure the interests of DD Councils.

·         Educator, strengthening self-advocates’ leadership of a growing network of diverse advocates.

·         Partner, supporting DD Councils’ leadership and growth by providing technical assistance and training, convening them as a national network for collaboration and learning.

·         Driver, expanding NACDD’s capacity to achieve its goals.

A one-page executive summary of the strategic plan is attached. The endorsement of the NACDD Assembly is required by the NACDD by-laws to ratify the plan.  A vote will be taken at NACDD’s Annual Meeting on July 8th.   Each Council has one vote during the meeting so please join one of the webinars to learn about the new plan.


Assembly Online Briefings:

Join Us for a Webinar to Learn More about the Strategic Plan

Session 1: May 23, 2016 at 1pm ET

Conference Number(s):  800-832-0736

Participant Code: *4880400#


To join the meeting:


Session 2: June 1, 2016 at 430pm ET

Conference Number(s):  800-832-0736
Participant Code: *4880400#

To join the meeting:


Please let Robin Troutman ( which session you will be joining.  You only need to join ONE Session. 


Thank you
