Question for my esteemed colleagues.


First, we are looking to expand our engagement of PIP and YLF alumni.  We don’t do a good job keeping them engaged and know that many of them are doing great things and not reporting to us. We are starting to take a more formal approach to alumni engagement and development with the idea of holding several regional alumni events and perhaps encouraging the development of alumni chapters.


I am wondering if any of you have taken this on and any pitfalls of which to be aware.  I am thinking about the fairly limited funding we would have to offer and alumni chapters doing their own fund raising (which could not be done with our help), how that money would be used; if alumni decide to develop a 501 c(3) what if any are our legal obligations and/or liabilities if they are representing a Council program(s). (I know some of this will be state specific and need to go to our legal counsel).


Has anyone developed or supported a program which has gone amiss?


Trying to anticipate problems before we move forward as we have excited staff and alumni and I am slowing things down out of an abundance of caution.  We did not have a good experience with  the 501 c-3 created with our funds to develop a statewide self advocacy organization and ultimately had to terminate funding. One reason why I’m sure if the alumni go 501-c3, we would not be funding that component.   And if they didn’t develop a 501 C(3) but wanted to collect dues it would be a problem not having that entity.  THANKS! I know this is a bit discombobulated. I am thinking as I am writing.




Heidi Lawyer

Executive Director

Virginia Board for People with Disabilities (VBPD)

1100 Bank Street, 7th Floor, Richmond, VA  23219




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