Hello, Christine.

I am so going to miss Suellen and her hats!  I hope to see her in Nevada to be able to say goodbye properly.

To answer your questions, because our positions are merit we are required to use the state hiring process.  That entails using an approved position that equals the job duties, the available position advertising, the need to use approved applicants from a list that is provided to us, and following the approved process for interviewing, checking references, and offering the position.

Having said all of that, we do have the flexibility to ask for the list of applicants that the state keeps that is only open to those applicants who have a disability and/or those who are veterans to consider.  We also can use questions in the interview that we have developed.  We only use our Council Members and staff for the interview panel.  And, the decision of whom to hire is ours as long at the applicant meets all of the previous requirements.

So, there is lots of bureaucracy and some flexibility in our process.  We recently hired someone from the Council to be a staff person and the only requirement that was expected was that that person officially resign from the Council.  Other than that we met no other barriers.

I hope this helps.  A lot depends on your state system and where you fit within that system.



Patricia L Maichle

Delaware Developmental Disabilities Council

Margaret M. O’Neill Building, 2nd Floor

410 Federal Street, Suite 2

Dover, DE 19901

Phone: 302.739.2232

Fax: 302.739.2015




“If you don’t have a seat at the table, you’re probably on the menu.” Elizabeth Warren



From: xxxxxx@nacdd.simplelists.com [mailto:xxxxxx@nacdd.simplelists.com] On Behalf Of Chris Dahlberg
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2015 11:25 AM
To: xxxxxx@nacdd.simplelists.com
Subject: DD Councils requesting info on search committees and protocols on hiring a new Executive Director


Hello All

As you know our Exec Suellen Jackson-Boner is retiring at the end of June after 35 years!

Needless to say we have not had any experience in hiring a new Exec and are looking for procedures and protocols developed by other Councils to guide the recruiting, search and hiring process. We would be particularly interested in guidelines for the search committee and any conflict of interest policies that have been adopted. For example there may be current Council board members who plan to apply.  Have you required people to resign if they want to apply for the Exec Position?

Thanks for your help

FYI-- Once the position description and protocol has been finalized it will be circulated to members


Christine Dahlberg, Deputy Director

Governors Council for People with Disabilities

402 W Washington St, Rm E-145

Indianapolis, IN 26204

