Hello Fellow DD Councils:


Just wanted to remind you that if you haven’t already registered for the one-day Nevada Disabilities Conference that will be held on July 20th – the day preceding the NACDD Annual Conference- that Early Bird Registration ends on May 30th.  The cost to attend the one day conference at the early bird rate is $82 and after May 30th will go to $95.  So save a few bucks and register early.  This is a great way to travel on Sunday and attend an incredible information based Conference prior to the incredible NACDD Annual Conference.  I have attached a beautiful photo of the view from Sparks Nevada of the Sierra Mountains and a draft list of the sessions that will be offered.


Can’t wait to see “all” of you………………


Sherry Manning, Executive Director

Nevada Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities

896 W. Nye Lane  Suite 202

Carson City, NV  89703

775-684-8619   Telephone

775-684-8621  Direct Line

775-684-8626   Fax

www.nevadaddcouncil.org  Website

xxxxxx@dhhs.nv.gov  Email


"Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared."


*Please note that if you are a member of the NGCDD Council or Council Committee, any response to an email in the form of “reply to all” may constitute an open meeting law violation.


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