New Hampshire has legislation pending to remove from our statutes authority to pay people with disabilities less than minimum wage.  I am not familiar with the terminology pre-vocational services. Is that another term for sheltered workshop or is that a different type of program? Even before the legislative initiative our State’s developmental services agency took the position that a sheltered workshop did not meet the standard for a day service, and that if families were participating they were doing so as a private choice not supported by the government. There was some question about what was actually happening, but we have been assured that no agencies or employers in our state are currently engaged in the practice.




Carol Stamatakis, Esq.

Executive Director

NH Council on Developmental Disabilities

2 ½ Beacon Street, Suite 10

Concord, NH  03301-4447


Telephone: (603) 271-3236

FAX: (603) 271-1156



From: [] On Behalf Of Holen, Ed (DDC)
Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2015 3:37 PM
Subject: DD Councils Sheltered Workshops




Responding to the CMS Home and Community Based Services Rule on integrated settings, how does your state propose to deal with sheltered workshops or pre-vocational services in your state’s transition plan?






Ed Holen
Executive Director

Developmental Disabilities Council
