Sharing this with the group as folks asked. Most respondents have been in the same shape as we are, searching for answers and innovative developers!
Heidi Lawyer
Executive Director
Virginia Board for People with Disabilities (VBPD)
1100 Bank Street, 7th Floor, Richmond, VA 23219
From: Dyer, Rachel M []
Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2015 7:47 AM
To: Lawyer, Heidi (VBPD)
Subject: housing ?
Hi Heidi
You may have already received his name; I will send it again with an endorsement. Bob began in DD services & now works in housing. He has only done a tiny bit of supported housing work in Maine but has done a lot in New Jersey (Ohio, California,
etc). He understands housing AND integration.
Bob Laux
Cullen is an affordable housing developer and has chaired an effective grassroots family advocacy group for a number of years. His organization has been involved in some pretty innovative (for Maine!) integrated housing. They have also
done more traditional models. He understands integration, the challenges of developing the type of housing that you’re talking about and the challenges of balancing access, transportation & affordability .
Cullen Ryan
(207) 879-0347
Rachel Dyer
Associate Director
Maine Developmental Disabilities Council
- promoting full inclusion for people with developmental disabilities
225 Western Ave
Augusta, ME 04330
1-800-244-3990 (V/TTY)
Good afternoon! We are looking at collaborating with our DD agency to do several workshops for providers interested in developing and implementing innovative independent, integrated housing options, particularly for individuals with ID/DD
that have high medical needs or significant behavioral challenges. These workshops would be mandatory for providers who want to submit a proposal through an RFP process. I am hoping that some of you may have examples of innovative (which Virginia would be
just about anything J) providers and practices that have resulted in individuals living as independently as possible with the supports they need and being a true part of their communities. Group homes and apartment buildings just for people with disabilities
not wanted! We are hoping to potentially bring some folks in from other states who have done it right to help move Virginia forward as part of its DOJ Settlement agreement. Thanks so much for any guidance, assistance, and contact information you can provide.
Heidi Lawyer
Executive Director
Virginia Board for People with Disabilities (VBPD)
1100 Bank Street, 7th Floor, Richmond, VA 23219