on the same page as Dan.

If you need someone to sign documents don't tap a member who has a guardian.

We must, however, have members who have developmental disabilities, so it does not make sense to interpret the federal law to only allow members who do not have guardian. 

Vermont's guardianship statute allows for some decision-making and -yes - self-determination by the person the law is supposed to benefit. Key to check  state law and guidance to guardians about their role.


Karen Schwartz
Vermont Developmental Disabilities Council
Cell 802-585-5441
Sent from and typos courtesy of iPhone

On Feb 19, 2015, at 5:12 PM, "nacdd.simplelists.com listserve" <xxxxxx@simplelists.com> wrote:

Self Advocacy Boards - Cronin, Nancy E (19 Feb 2015 11:55 EST)
Re: Self Advocacy Boards - Maichle, Pat (DSHS) (19 Feb 2015 12:01 EST)
RE: Self Advocacy Boards - Lawyer, Heidi (VBPD) (19 Feb 2015 12:14 EST)
RE: Self Advocacy Boards - Webb, Roger (19 Feb 2015 12:36 EST)
RE: Self Advocacy Boards - Shannon, Dan (ADD) (19 Feb 2015 13:29 EST)
Re: DD Councils Self Advocacy Boards - Craig Knutson (19 Feb 2015 12:22 EST)
NYT Op Ed - Lawyer, Heidi (VBPD) (19 Feb 2015 14:50 EST)
Re: DD Councils NYT Op Ed - Tewell - CDHS, Marcia (19 Feb 2015 15:01 EST)
RE: DD Councils NYT Op Ed - Jacobson, Eric (19 Feb 2015 15:07 EST)
RE: DD Councils NYT Op Ed - Lawyer, Heidi (VBPD) (19 Feb 2015 15:25 EST)
RE: DD Councils NYT Op Ed - Webb, Roger (19 Feb 2015 16:29 EST)
RE: DD Councils NYT Op Ed - Bouraoui, Yasmina (DCH) (19 Feb 2015 16:32 EST)
RE: NYT Op Ed - Williams, Brett (DCH) (19 Feb 2015 17:03 EST)
Recall: NYT Op Ed - Williams, Brett (DCH) (19 Feb 2015 17:08 EST)

Self Advocacy Boards by Cronin, Nancy E (19 Feb 2015 11:55 EST)
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Re: Self Advocacy Boards by Maichle, Pat (DSHS) (19 Feb 2015 12:01 EST)
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RE: Self Advocacy Boards by Lawyer, Heidi (VBPD) (19 Feb 2015 12:14 EST)
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RE: Self Advocacy Boards by Webb, Roger (19 Feb 2015 12:36 EST)
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RE: Self Advocacy Boards by Shannon, Dan (ADD) (19 Feb 2015 13:29 EST)
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Re: DD Councils Self Advocacy Boards by Craig Knutson (19 Feb 2015 12:22 EST)
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NYT Op Ed by Lawyer, Heidi (VBPD) (19 Feb 2015 14:50 EST)
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Re: DD Councils NYT Op Ed by Tewell - CDHS, Marcia (19 Feb 2015 15:01 EST)
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RE: DD Councils NYT Op Ed by Jacobson, Eric (19 Feb 2015 15:07 EST)
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RE: DD Councils NYT Op Ed by Lawyer, Heidi (VBPD) (19 Feb 2015 15:25 EST)
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RE: DD Councils NYT Op Ed by Webb, Roger (19 Feb 2015 16:29 EST)
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RE: DD Councils NYT Op Ed by Bouraoui, Yasmina (DCH) (19 Feb 2015 16:32 EST)
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RE: NYT Op Ed by Williams, Brett (DCH) (19 Feb 2015 17:03 EST)
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Recall: NYT Op Ed by Williams, Brett (DCH) (19 Feb 2015 17:08 EST)
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