I was going to complete the survey but have no info to share because we currently don't offer this type training. We did sponsor PIP for 10 years at $100k/per year.
I would like to see your results as I have now and again given thought to ways to do this again in a less costly;y manner.

Brian Cox
Executive Director
Maryland Developmental Disabilities Council

On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 6:24 PM, Jaime Daignault <xxxxxx@ocdd.org> wrote:
Greetings DD Councils!

Like many of you, the Oregon Council on Developmental Disabilities offers a leadership training program for self-advocates and family members.  Our program was modeled after the Minnesota Council's Partners in Policymaking program.  We are currently planning to update our program and want to learn from other Councils about what you do and how you do it. 

We developed a survey to gather good information about your programs.  Please help us collect this information by taking our survey by December 31st.  Here is the link:

If you'd like to receive the survey results, please carefully enter your correct contact information at the beginning of the survey and let us know you want to receive the results.

Thank you in advance!



Jaime Johnston Daignault

Executive Director
Oregon Council on Developmental Disabilities
540 24th Place NE Salem OR 97301-4517
jxxxxxx@ocdd.org NEW EMAIL

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