It was good to read about the results of Oklahoma’s program.
VTDDC also has a small grant program that includes scholarships for individuals and families.
It has been a great outreach tool – including finding new members.
It has gotten more formal over the years. You can information and application materials at
p.s. Per the federal law we provide stipends to members to attend meetings, and have a policy on that. Seems to me Councils do not have a choice given the federal statute.
Take care. See you soon.
Karen Schwartz
VT Developmental Disabilities Council
Temporarily Located at 322 Industrial Lane, Berlin VT
Mailing Address:
103 S. Main St.
Waterbury, VT 05671-0206
Phone 802-828-1312
Cell 802-585-5441
Toll Free 888-317-2006
FAX 802-828-1321
The Mission of VTDDC is to help build connections and supports that bring people with developmental disabilities and their families into the
of Vermont communities.