Consider everything crossed!


Patricia L Maichle

Delaware Developmental Disabilities Council

Margaret M. O’Neill Building, 2nd Floor

410 Federal Street, Suite 2

Dover, DE 19901

Phone: 302.739.2232

Fax: 302.739.2015




From: [] On Behalf Of Trudgeon, Ann
Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2014 11:27 AM
Subject: RE: [Marketing Mail] Re: DD Councils Consumer Stipend Funds


Oh – congrats are hopefully premature!  The kids vote tomorrow!  I’m in the top three as I understand it, but decision isn’t final until tomorrow, Ithink.


Appreciate crossed fingers, though!




From: [] On Behalf Of Wanda Willis
Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2014 8:21 AM
To: <>
Subject: [Marketing Mail] Re: [Marketing Mail] Re: DD Councils Consumer Stipend Funds


Ann- huge kudos to you for the high school grant award!


Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 28, 2014, at 2:51 PM, "Trudgeon, Ann" <> wrote:

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As usual, the timeliness of this discussion is amazing for me!


First, yes, Oklahoma has two funds: Consumer Involvement Fund and Professional Development Fund.  Both are capped at $1000 per individual or $2000 for a family, and we require as “match” all travel expenses (airline or car).  We found that purchasing airline tickets was too costly and confusing, so we are out of that for sure.


There certainly are people for whom those “upfront” costs, including air travel, are WAY beyond their capabilities, but MOST people can find a way to make this work. At least in our experience. 


We do require a written report and feedback form (attached) and we require all those who travel to write a letter of introduction to their US Senators, US Rep, Oklahoma Senator and Oklahoma Rep.  The short term outcome there is that at least these men and women KNOW they have constituents with disabilities.  I’ve also attached our sample letter.


Just yesterday, I was doing a grant interview – we are a finalist for a $400,000+ grant from a local high school (can you imagine?!?!?).  One of my speakers was a mom who we met some years ago when she first applied for a CIF to attend the Sotos Syndrome Conference.  Since that time, she has gone thru PIP, become employed with our Family to Family grantee, sits on numerous important committees, and is a sought after trainer on person-centered thinking and supporting families.  Our initial investment in her was $600.


It’s worth developing outcomes for us – and worth the investment we’ve been making.


AND, I might add, the students we spoke to thought that was the BEST idea we had for how to invest their money if we won!


I always learn so much from these discussions.  I know it’s difficult to manage and sometimes not always obvious if we’ve made a difference, but I got a huge BINGO! Moment yesterday!




From: [] On Behalf Of Tewell - CDHS, Marcia
Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2014 11:13 AM
Subject: [Marketing Mail] Re: DD Councils Consumer Stipend Funds


Hi Jennifer,


We had such a fund many years ago that was very difficult to administer, as well as individuals had to front the costs, which was not always reasonable.   In addition to the above factors, we decided that it was difficult to dovetail the conference topic with our Five Year Plan.  Many participants had a range of conferences, some of which were not always in line with the mission of the Council - often medical conferences.


Hope this is helpful.




On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 8:48 AM, Harrison, Jennifer <> wrote:

Hi all.  We are currently looking at how to best move forward with our Consumer Stipend Project.  I was hoping you could help with the following information:


1.)    Does your Council fund a Consumer Stipend Program.  If not, please explain why.

2.)    If your Council does fund a Consumer Stipend Program, please describe the process you use – what things are covered, maximum stipend amount, any limitations, etc.  (you can also send to me as an attachment).


Thanks in advance!


Jennifer Harrison

Investment Coordinator

Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities

830 S. Spring Street

Springfield, IL  62704

P (217) 782-9696

F (217) 524-5339

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Marcia Tewell

Executive Director

Colorado Developmental Disabilities Council


Ring the bells that still can ring.  Forget your perfect offering.  There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in.    L. Cohen





1120 Lincoln Street, Suite 706

Denver, CO  80203-2117 


Teleconference call-in number 

is: 877 820-7831


Passcode: 662498*



The D.D. Council is 100% federally funded under the D.D. Assistance and Bill of Rights Act.  Our goal is to achieve freedom and interdependence of persons with disabilities and their families to live typical lives.  The Council's system change strategies include both advocacy in public policy efforts and grant making.

<Consumer Involvement Fund 2012.docx>

<Professional Development Fund feedback form.doc>

<Consumer Involvement Fund feedback form.doc>

