How do you define “family supports”?


Our IFS waiver is one of the pillars of services for individuals with ID in Connecticut. I believe this is the expenditure that is reported in State of the States.


We also have a Community First Choice option in our state plan. There are similar services for other developmental disabilities besides ID though they are not as well funded.


I would be happy to discuss.


Walter Glomb

Director, Connecticut Council on Developmental Disabilities

460 Capitol Avenue

Hartford, CT 06106

(860) 418 - 6157




From: <> On Behalf Of Steve Gieber
Sent: Friday, October 1, 2021 10:43 AM
Subject: DD Councils family support Kansas question


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In Kansas we stopped providing family support 10-12 years ago during a budget crisis.  I see by looking at the State of the States that many states still provide this support.  I would like to know more about how it is working in other states and how they manage it.  Is anyone on the list serve that can help me understand this better.