Please see meeting information below from SARTAC.
These Zoom Meetings are run by Self-Advocates from across the country for our peers and allies.
Every Monday and Thursday
June 7 - Monday
Share Your Story
Step Up and Speak Up
Telling your story makes life better for all people with disabilities. And it works best if people get the message from us!
June 10 - Thursday
Poetry Fest &
Share your Favorite
Grilling Recipe
Okay - you asked for these topics.
Bring your favorite poem to share. If it is one you wrote even better! AND
if poetry is not your thing - bring your favorite summer grilling recipe
Always at 1:00 ET, Noon CT, 11:00 MT, 10:00 PT
Always same link
Or call 1-929-436-2866 and the Meeting ID: 324 815 633
Or go to click on join a meeting & put in 324 815 633
Please Do Not Post our Zoom link on Social Media
June 14 - Monday
Some people love the idea that they can chat with their doctor from home. Others prefer to talk to their doctor
in-person. What do you think?
June 17 - Thursday
Celebrate Gay Pride Month with us. Self-Advocates who identify as LGBTQ+ will lead the discussion
June 21 - Monday
What is it? Why it is important!
Why our freedom depends on it!
Click Here for handouts shared during Zoom Meetings
SARTAC | 2 Prospect St, Montpelier, VT 05602
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