What a fantastic line-up Valarie; thanks for sharing this.
You’ve inspired me to attach the information for the first half of our Spring 2021 webinar series out of the GCDD supported Advancing Employment Center at UGA. The TA center’s website is:
Hope folks find the info useful.
Kate D. Brady, PhD ABD
Deputy Director
Instagram YouTube
Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities
2 Peachtree St. NW Ste 26-246 | Atlanta, GA 30303
From: xxxxxx@nacdd.simplelists.com <xxxxxx@nacdd.simplelists.com>
On Behalf Of Bishop, Valarie
Sent: Friday, February 26, 2021 11:57 AM
To: xxxxxx@nacdd.simplelists.com
Subject: DD Councils Webinar Series
Importance: High
CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open
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Dear Councils - Just wanted to share a series that we are hosting that some of you might be interested in. Each session has a link. More complete descriptions show on the registration pages for each event. Even though we’re putting
a South Carolina focus on these much of the presentation will be pertinent to everyone. We are encouraging self-advocates, parents and professionals to attend!
We are proud to sponsor a series of four live presentations featuring award-winning filmmaker Dan Habib. “Including Samuel”, “Who Cares About Kelsey” and “Intelligent Lives” are a few of these films. The series focuses on building a life
of inclusion and will provide effective practices and strategies in each topic area. There will be opportunities to engage with Dan, his son Samuel and others to bring a South Carolina focus to these topic areas. Please see the enclosed flyer for more information
and to register for each of these sessions. We hope you will join us!
Best, Valarie
Valarie Bishop
Director Developmental Disabilities Council
Office of Executive Policy and Programs
The South Carolina
of Administration
1205 Pendleton Street, Suite 372, Columbia, SC 29201
(803) 734-0215 | (803) 734-0241 (fax)
The South Carolina Department of Administration (admin) serves the citizens of South Carolina and agency partners by leading innovative efforts to provide secure, cost-effective, responsive and standardized services.