The Connecticut General Assembly shut down in early March and “adjourned” the 2020 session in early May without passing any legislation. No new bills will be introduced until January 2021, so there will be no epidemic-specific legislation
until next year, if any. The Governor of Connecticut has issued executive orders regarding PPE at private businesses. You can read the salient points through these two links,
Our Department of Developmental Services (DDS) will provide PPE and thermometers to private providers of HCBS. You can browse epidemic-specific guidance from the Connecticut DDS through this link,
From: <>
On Behalf Of Erin Prangley
Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2020 4:47 PM
Subject: DD Councils State laws requiring employers to provide PPE?
Dear NACDD Advocates and Supporters,
Hello "hive mind." Is anyone was aware of state legislation that is addressing the use and wear of personal protective equipment (PPE)?
One of our coalition partners is tracking state legislation. He mentioned a bill introduced in Illinois called the Personal
Equipment Responsibility Act which would place an affirmative duty on employers to provide PPE to essential businesses. Obviously, without PPE it would be difficult
for people with disabilities to return to work, so it would seem like a good policy to enforce employers to comply with this using state law. (I know OSHA is involved at the federal level, but not sure they'll do much.)
If you know of any state action addressing this issue can you let me know? Thank you!
Erin Prangley
Director, Policy
National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities
1825 K Street, NW, Suite 600 | Washington, DC 20006
(202)506-5813 x104