Hi Friends,
Wisconsin is inviting ALL of you and your networks to our first-ever Virtual Employment First conference Tuesday, May 19. Please share with your networks and encourage participation! Professionals are $50 (discounts for groups) and people with disabilities/families are FREE! We also will be launching a virtual marketplace of vendors with disabilities! Forward broadly…



$2000 Grants Available | | Wisconsin Board for People with ...                                                                  

Wisconsin Employment First Virtual Conference

May 19th, 9:00am – 2:30pm

Join our virtual conference next week! While the conference is in Wisconsin, much of the information will be applicable to people across the country.   


Who should attend:  Service providers, direct service professionals, funders, educators, people with disabilities, families, and others who support people with disabilities to achieve employment, make connections and contribute to the community


Registration Info


Register and learn more here.

If you have any questions, please contact Molly Cooney at xxxxxx@wisconsin.gov or call 608-266-0266.