IRS announced on Saturday that people who receive either VA or SSI benefits have until May 5 to get the government information on their eligible dependents so they can be included in 
their stimulus payments. Those individuals will receive their $1,200 stimulus money automatically. But the money for any children under 17 will be delayed if that information is not submitted to the government on time. SSI and VA beneficiaries should receive their money by mid-May. 

Please share this new deadline with all SSI networks so they know that they have only a few days to claim their dependent rebate (an additional $500) or they will have to wait until they file taxes next year. Fill out the form at this website to enter dependent information:

Erin Prangley
Director, Policy
National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities
1825 K Street, NW, Suite 600 | Washington, DC 20006
(202)506-5813 x104