On March 4, 2020, ACL is hosting more than 150 executives representing health plans and systems, federal and state government agencies, philanthropic organizations, and leaders from the aging and disability networks at the
National Summit on Health Care and Social Service Integration.
This event is an opportunity for health care organizations to learn about our networks – what we do, our reach, and how the programs and services we administer support older adults and people with disabilities in the community. They also will hear from leaders
from our networks who have been contracting with health care organizations about the partnership models they have developed, the successes of these partnerships in improving health care outcomes and reducing costs, lessons learned, and what else is needed.
In-person attendance is limited due to space constraints, but we would like to invite you to join via the
livestream broadcast.
Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex M. Azar II will provide opening remarks and announce a new opportunity for collaboration among health care systems, health plans, health IT vendors, states and community leaders.
The agenda for the day is available here.
The summit is intended to accelerate the work described by ACL Administrator Lance Robertson and
The SCAN Foundation President and CEO Bruce Chernof in Addressing
Social Determinants: Scaling Up Partnerships with Community-Based Organization Networks, published on Feb. 24 on the
Health Affairs Blog. Our goal is to develop a shared approach for building and replicating the partnerships that effectively integrate community-based services and supports and medical care.
We’re looking forward to a sensational event, and we hope you’re able to join us via the
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