I don’t think it’s realistic to ask min. allotment states to put in $$. Maybe have someone on work group?


Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 28, 2019, at 2:02 PM, Murphy, Kirsten <xxxxxx@vermont.gov> wrote:

Vermont is interested, but as a minimum contribution state, we might need to be on some sort of sliding scale and/or help in ways other than just $$$’s.


Happy Monday, everyone!



Kirsten Murphy

Executive Director

Vermont Developmental Disabilities Council


(802) 828-1312




Bringing Vermonters with Developmental Disabilities

Into the Heart of Vermont Communities.


From: xxxxxx@nacdd.simplelists.com <xxxxxx@nacdd.simplelists.com> On Behalf Of Wanda Willis
Sent: Monday, October 28, 2019 10:26 AM
To: Donna Meltzer <xxxxxx@nacdd.org>; 'xxxxxx@nacdd.simplelists.com' <xxxxxx@nacdd.simplelists.com>
Cc: Robin Troutman <xxxxxx@nacdd.org>; Robert McWilliams <xxxxxx@nacdd.org>
Subject: DD Councils RE: It's (Almost) Our 50th Anniversary - Help Us Celebrate!




I missed seeing everyone in Little Rock! I tore my ACL in June –it’s been a tedious recovery!


Given the message we heard from Jennifer at the EDLS meeting, I wanted to pitch an idea for our 50th anniversary. Given the lack of understanding about the purpose and impact of DD Councils by ACL and others, this may be a good time for us to produce a compelling data-based document about Councils. This could be teamed with other PR tools to push out information about the impact of DD Councils over the decades - the NACDD idea of recorded stories would fit nicely within a PR initiative around the 50th anniversary.


TN would be willing to commit funds to a special PR initiative overseen by a workgroup comprised of NACDD board members and staff, and additional state Council staff. The workgroup would choose a professional PR consulting firm to develop the project. Would other state Councils be interesting in investing in this? This is an opportunity to create the product that answers the question ‘what is the impact of DD councils, why do they exist and how are they different from other advisory councils.’


Thanks for listening and considering.






Wanda Willis | Executive Director
Tennessee Council on Developmental Disabilities
Davy Crockett Tower, First Floor
500 James Robertson Pkwy, Nashville, TN 37243

p. 615-253-5369




Twitter: @TNCouncilDD






From: xxxxxx@nacdd.simplelists.com [mailto:xxxxxx@nacdd.simplelists.com] On Behalf Of Donna Meltzer
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2019 3:16 PM
To: 'xxxxxx@nacdd.simplelists.com'
Cc: Robin Troutman; Robert McWilliams
Subject: [EXTERNAL] DD Councils It's (Almost) Our 50th Anniversary - Help Us Celebrate!


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Dear Council Friends:


As impossible as it seems, we will soon be entering the calendar year 2020.  For NACDD, and its member Councils, the year 2020 is a milestone as it marks 50 years since the network of Councils became part of the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act (DD Act). Additionally in 2020, we will also be celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the 45th anniversary of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).


As part of the celebration of our 50th year, NACDD will be conducting an Oral History Project designed to collect a diverse and nation-spanning range of perspectives and thoughts on the impact that DD Councils have had over the last 50 years. We will be collecting stories and impressions in order to create a snapshot of our network for posterity, but the collection will also serve as an opportunity to put a national spotlight on a few of your stories throughout the year.


Whether you are a Council Executive Director, Council member, chair, advocate, staff person, family member, or DD partner we know that you have a unique story about the role a DD Councils played in your life and we are excited to hear from you! Everyone with experience working with a DD Council has a perspective to share.


If you’re interested in participating, sign up by clicking this link and entering your contact information. That’s it! We’ll take it from there.


Please help us by sharing this email with your Council and network so that everyone has a chance to participate if they want to. We are hoping to put a spotlight on at least a dozen Councils throughout the year, and to hear from many more.

And if you can share via social media, please do! Feel free to use this sample language: “2020 will be the 50th Anniversary of DD Councils, and we want to hear from YOU about your role in our shared history. Sign up here to participate in NACDD’s Oral History Project: https://bit.ly/2N7nBNW








Donna A. Meltzer, CEO

National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities

1825 K Street, NW Suite 600

Washington, DC 20006

202-506-5813 extension 103





Follow NACDD online at:
