Dear Friends – today the NACDD staff will attend several celebrations of the 20th Anniversary of the Olmstead Decision. The first is sponsored by ACL and takes place at 1pm eastern time. Two self-advocates who are associated with the Maryland Council on Developmental Disabilities, Liz Weintraub and Damon Briggs will be speaking. Below is information on how to join this celebration even on-line.


This evening an event will take place in the Senate honoring the Olmstead Decision Anniversary. There will be a panel presentation and reception sponsored by Senators Casey and Murray. NACDD will post on social media about both events so that you can share! If you have local events happening please let us know and we will amplify your events on our social media as well.


Have a great Anniversary day!






Donna A. Meltzer, CEO

National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities

1825 K Street, NW Suite 600

Washington, DC 20006

202-506-5813 extension 103


Follow NACDD online at: youtube  twitter  flickr  facebook








From: Administration for Community Living <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2019 10:02 AM
To: Donna Meltzer <>
Subject: TODAY: Join us online at 1 pm ET! Community Living for All: Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the Olmstead Decision


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You’re Invited

June 25, 2019

TODAY: Join us online at 1 pm ET! Community Living for All: Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the Olmstead Decision

Please join the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration for Community Living and Office for Civil Rights TODAY from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. ET for a celebration of a historic victory for inclusion and community living. 

Register here to watch the event via livestreaming.

Follow the event on Facebook or Twitter at ACLgov or #Olmstead.

Guests will hear about the importance of Olmstead from people with disabilities who will share some of their own experiences. The event also will feature remarks from HHS leaders and national experts who will discuss the impact of Olmstead for individuals with disabilities and the future of inclusive communities - including universal design, livable communities, and strategies for planning for and adapting to changing individual needs. 

Visit the ACL website for more details and the event materials.

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