Hi Walter,


The Massachusetts Council uses twitter, in addition to Facebook, and tracks the metrics for each post.  The hashtags are really dependent upon the content of the tweet, the purpose and what audience we are trying to reach.  For example, we often tag individual members of Congress/Senate, in addition to local policymakers since many of them have twitter accounts.  Here are a few other hashtags we use:

#accessibility, #autism, #disability, and #stoptheshock. 


I’d be happy to chat with you in more detail.





Kristin Britton

Deputy Director, Policy and Programs

Massachusetts Developmental Disabilities Council

108 Myrtle Street, Suite 202

Quincy, MA  02171 - 1791

617-770-7676 X 103



Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.

Ralph Waldo Emerson



From: xxxxxx@nacdd.simplelists.com [mailto:xxxxxx@nacdd.simplelists.com] On Behalf Of Lawyer, Heidi
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2019 9:22 AM
To: Glomb, Walter; xxxxxx@nacdd.simplelists.com
Subject: DD Councils Re: Twitter


We don't. WE don't really have enough to say or the staff bandwidth to tweet . We had thought about using it during legislative session but just haven't gotten there yet.  I know we are behind others who are more progressive. At this time we only use Facebook for social media.


Heidi Lawyer

Executive Director
Virginia Board for People with Disabilities (VBPD)
1100 Bank St, 7th Floor, Richmond, VA 23219





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On Mon, Jun 24, 2019 at 9:20 AM Glomb, Walter <xxxxxx@ct.gov> wrote:

Do any Councils use Twitter for marketing communications?


If so, what hashtags do you use?


Walter Glomb

Director, Connecticut Council on Developmental Disabilities

460 Capitol Avenue

Hartford, CT 06106

(860) 418 - 6157