HHS/ACL grant opportunities Robin Troutman 03 May 2018 11:37 EDT

Assistive technology Alternative Financing program

The purpose of the Assistive Technology (AT) Alternative Financing Program (AFP) is to support programs that provide for the purchase of AT devices, such as a low-interest loan fund, an interest buy-down program, a revolving loan fund, a loan guarantee, or an insurance program. The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018 (the Act) requires applicants for these grants to provide an assurance that, and information describing the manner in which, the AFP will expand and emphasize consumer choice and control. The Act provides that applicants should incorporate credit-building activities in their programs, including financial education and information about other possible funding sources. Successful applicants must emphasize consumer choice and control and build programs that will provide financing for the full array of AT devices and services and ensure that all people with disabilities, regardless of type of disability or health condition, age, level of income, and residence, have access to the program.


Living Well-Model Approaches for Enhancing the Quality, Effectiveness and Monitoring of Home and Community Based Services for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities

Through a cooperative agreement, AIDD will fund a consortium to develop and test a model for effectively monitoring quality in community settings that reduces and mitigates the incidence of abuse and neglect and supports empowerment, self-determination, and self-advocacy. The consortium will document their systems change and policy change efforts throughout the project period. A signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the members of the consortium must be submitted as part of the application. The agreement should describe how the entities participated in the development of the actual application and more importantly, how they plan to work together to ensure the goals and objectives included in the applicant are achieved.


Access to Integrated Employment: National Data Collection on Day and Employment Services for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities

The "Access to Integrated Employment: National Data Collection on Day and Employment Services for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities" project is a longitudinal study describing day and employment services nationwide for individuals with developmental disabilities. The project will: Study the effectiveness of state developmental disabilities agencies and vocational rehabilitation agencies in promoting full inclusion of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities through employment and other community activities Describe national trends in the employment and economic status of youth and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities on a state and national basis Highlight practices and outcomes in the transition from school to employment and promote policy enhancing integrated employment at both the systems and customer levels Develop guidelines for community-based non-work activities Implement www.statedata.info External Web Site Policy, a website illustrating service system investment in day and employment services, and www.realworkstories.org External Web Site Policy, a website featuring successes of youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities in paid jobs in their communities Provide an online catalog of innovative state-level strategies that influence policy and facilitate access to integrated employment Collaborate with other AoD data collect projects to show targeted current year and longitudinal data on the project website.
