FW: NCAPPS Update: NQF's Final Report, Year-2 Technical Assistance, Our Upcoming Webinars Robin Troutman 18 Aug 2020 10:24 EDT
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The National Center on Advancing Person-Centered Practices and Systems

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Don't Miss This Week's Webinar!

Exploring the Intersectionality of Peer Support
and Person-Centered Planning Across Disability
August 19 | 2:30-4:00pm Eastern
Speakers: Martha Barbone, Ebony Flint, Sassy Outwater-Wright

In this webinar, a diverse trio of peer supporters will share their perspectives on person-centered planning in the context of their lived experience. Presenters will discuss opportunities and challenges for blending and strengthening peer support and person-centered planning in diverse communities, and in physical, mental health, and intellectual and developmental disability services.


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Save The Date for Our September Webinar!

Student-Directed Individualized Education Plan (IEP):
Bringing Person-Centered Practices to Schools and Beyond
Sep 29, 2020 | 2:00-3:30pm Eastern
The Individualized Education Program (IEP) is a cornerstone in planning and delivery of educational supports for students who are eligible for special education services. How can systems ensure that the IEP is truly person-centered? Ensuring that the student is directing and leading development and implementation of their IEP is a first step as the student develops their strengths and receives appropriate support. In this webinar, a panel of educational consultant, disability rights advocate, a student, and a parent undergoing transition will discuss strategies to make IEP meetings and implementation authentically person-centered and empowering for students and their families.

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NQF's Final Report Has Been Released

After more than a year of committee meetings – which included a number of NCAPPS staff and experts – and multiple rounds of public comment, the National Quality Forum has released its final report<https://hsri.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=abe97fa7a35fb4137a263a13a&id=53b715cbca&e=f2feec9775> on Person-Centered Planning and Practice. In addition to refining current definitions of person-centered planning, the report contains detailed information on:

  *   Core competencies for person-centered planning facilitation
  *   Suggestions to HHS on systems characteristics that support person-centered thinking, planning, and practice
  *   A conceptual framework for person-centered planning measurement
  *   The results of an environmental scan detailing historical developments in person-centered planning for LTSS systems (to inform future research)

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NCAPPS Technical Assistance:
Year Two Summary

Since the launch of NCAPPS in the spring of 2019, an important part of our work has been providing technical assistance to State agencies, Tribes, and Territories.

NCAPPS is currently providing 15 state teams with three years of technical assistance. A summary of the second year of technical assistance activities is now publicly available. That summary describes common themes among states’ Year Two goals; provides a brief outline of their activities to enhance person-centered thinking, planning, and practices; and provides examples of various products expected to result from the technical assistance.

Read the Summary<https://hsri.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=abe97fa7a35fb4137a263a13a&id=1bfaf9e118&e=f2feec9775>

Check Out Our Latest
NCAPPS-Short with Carole Starr

Carole Starr is a brain injury survivor, keynote speaker and author. She is on the faculty of our inaugural NCAPPS learning collaborative that focuses on person-centered practices in brain injury supports, and she is also an advisory group member for the newly launched Traumatic Brain Injury Technical Assistance and Resource Center<https://hsri.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=abe97fa7a35fb4137a263a13a&id=b4414027fb&e=f2feec9775> (TBI TARC). Last week, we shared a resource from the TBI TARC that Carole co-authored with other brain injury survivors which provides a summary of lessons<https://hsri.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=abe97fa7a35fb4137a263a13a&id=e893bde257&e=f2feec9775> for survivor engagement that the authors gained from their own experience with advocacy.

Read the Stakeholder Engagement Guide<https://hsri.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=abe97fa7a35fb4137a263a13a&id=69c4356fc9&e=f2feec9775>

In this "Pandemic Wisdom" short, Carole shares the important role person-centered planning strategies have played in allowing her to regain control and structure in the face of the pandemic’s pervasive disruptions.

“… when I focused on how do I meet the needs that I have, and what can I control, then I felt better… I can use person-centered planning strategies to look at the important things to me in my life, and how do I get those needs met."  -- Carole Starr

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Don't forget that materials for all previous NCAPPS webinars -- including recordings, slides, English/Spanish transcripts, and plain language summaries -- are always available on the webinars page of the NCAPPS website.
Visit the NCAPPS Webinars page<https://hsri.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=abe97fa7a35fb4137a263a13a&id=c68e32ce5a&e=f2feec9775>

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