Date Index - July 2018 -

02 Jul 2018 14:59 EDT FW: NADRC Webinar: Disaster Preparedness for Community-Dwelling Older Adults with Dementia and Caregivers Robin Troutman
03 Jul 2018 10:52 EDT FW: New Business Acumen Policy Brief and Two Case Studies on Payment Reform Readiness Robin Troutman
03 Jul 2018 10:59 EDT FW: New Bulletin Released on Model Practices for State Oversight of Group Homes Robin Troutman
08 Jul 2018 18:22 EDT FW: Generations United hosts Webinar on Evaluating “Kinship Navigator” Programs to Help Grandparents and Other Relatives Raising Children Robin Troutman
16 Jul 2018 13:35 EDT State plan Goals and Objectives Summary - DRAFT Sheryl Matney
18 Jul 2018 07:37 EDT Share with Advocates and Self-Advocacy Organizations: SARTAC - Meeting with Max for Self-Advocates Angela Castillo-Epps
25 Jul 2018 19:35 EDT FW: NADRC Webinar: First Responder Training and Programs to Support People with Dementia Robin Troutman
25 Jul 2018 19:36 EDT FW: National Center for Mobility Management Seeks Input on Coordinated Transportation Robin Troutman
26 Jul 2018 11:12 EDT Fw: Blog: Community Living for All: A Celebration of the Americans with Disabilities Act Robin Troutman
26 Jul 2018 11:23 EDT Fw: (Correction) Blog: Community Living for All: A Celebration of the Americans with Disabilities Act Robin Troutman
27 Jul 2018 11:49 EDT 2018 Technical Assistance Institute (TAI) Presentations now Available! Angela Castillo-Epps