Friendly Reminder –


Diversity, Inclusion and Cultural and Linguistic Competence (DICLC) Learning Opportunity


The DICLC work group, along with guest speaker Tawara Goode, will host:

Defining & Implementing Language Access Plans for DD Councils

This webinar will increase DD Council's knowledge of language access plans and how to use them to support activities in their five-year state plans. 


Webinar date: August 6, 2018 at 3:00 p.m. Eastern


Webinar link:

Webinar call in number: 1.800.832.0736 Room # 2680372


For archived DICLC work group webinars from 2017-2018, CLICK HERE





Angela Castillo-Epps


Technical Assistant Specialist

202-506-5813, ext. 100



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