Hi everyone,

During the 2018 TA Institute, we presented a draft summary of the 2017-2021 Council State plan goals and objectives.  We asked that Council staff review the "Summary Document" (specifically, the listings by topical area on pages 4-5) to determine if we accurately reflected your Council's topic/area of focus.  

If you find that we need to edit the listing(s) connected to your Council, please send me a separate email (xxxxxx@nacdd.org) with the details and I will correct the document (please do not reply all).  The deadline for providing corrections is 5:00 pm Eastern Time on July 31, 2018.

To access the document directly, click on the link provided below.

2017-2021 DD Council Goals/Objectives Summary Document (Draft) – This document features a summary of all DD Council Goals/Objectives by Council as well provides background and summary information on topical areas of focus and targeted disparity sub-population and area of disparity.

As a reminder, all information was taken from State plans submitted in the ACL Reporting System and subsequently approved by AIDD.

Thank you,


Sheryl R. Matney, EdD, HS-BCP

Director, Technical Assistance

Information & Technical Assistance Center for Councils on DD


202-506-5813 ext. 148

334-268-0245 (direct)
