February 27, 2018
Webinar: Environmental Scanning for CBOs
for March 7 webinar.
Environmental scanning is a key first step in the development of a business plan for community-based organizations (CBOs). This process can help CBOs identify internal and external factors that
will affect long-term sustainability. Who are potential Competitors, Comparatives, Complements, and Collaborators, and how does this information help a CBO accomplish its goals?
Please join the
Aging and Disability Business Institute on March 7 at 1:00 PM
Eastern for a two-hour webinar. Participants in the NCOA Network Development Learning Collaborative will present their insights and experiences on environmental scanning and market analysis.
- Jennifer Raymond, Chief Strategy Officer, Elder Services of the Merrimack Valley
- Doug Wilson, Agewell Program Specialist, Southern Maine Area Agency on Aging
for the webinar.
Learn more about
ACL's Business Acumen Initiative to help states and community-based organizations build networks and respond to delivery system changes, including technical assistance, building business capacity for successful contracting
with integrated care entities, and developing pathways to sustainability.