Register for an Aging and Disability Business Institute webinar on February 28




February 21, 2018

Webinar: Diversified Business Planning

Register for February 28 webinar.


As traditional sources of funding continue to stagnate or decrease, area agencies on aging (AAAs), especially those serving rural areas, are facing difficult challenges in maintaining programs and services.

Please join the Aging and Disability Business Institute on February 28 at 1:00 PM Eastern for a one hour webinar. 

Presenters will share their experience in building strong community partnerships, developing diversified revenue streams and fee-for-service programs, and with how traditional aging programs can also be presented as value-added services through strategic marketing, even in a challenging rural environment. The importance of measured outcomes to the marketing and development plan will also be discussed. Lessons learned and best practices for business development will be applicable to AAAs and community-based organizations serving all populations and markets.

Learning objectives: 

- Understand the challenges that AAAs and CBOs face in maintaining and growing programs and revenue;

- Articulate strategies that AAAs, especially those serving rural populations, can take that have the potential to bolster and diversify their business lines; and,

- List healthcare partnership opportunities AAAs can pursue for business and programmatic growth.

Register for the webinar.


Learn more about ACL's Business Acumen Initiative to help states and community-based organizations build networks and respond to delivery system changes, including technical assistance, building business capacity for successful contracting with integrated care entities, and developing pathways to sustainability.


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