This invitation is for DD Network members only.  Please do not forward to anyone out side the DD Network.

Presentation:  Business Acumen Environmental Scan of the Disability Network: highlighting results and what it means for your work

Date:  Thursday, January 25th 3:00 to 4:30 PM (est) 

Conference Line:


Please join staff from AIDD and Erica Anderson from the National Association of States United for Aging and Disabilities (NASUAD) as they discuss the results of a recent environmental scan of the Business Acumen of Disability Organizations, and how these findings could benefit your work in the community


In 2016, ACL awarded the Business Acumen for Disability Organizations to NASUAD.  The purpose of the grant is to build capacity of community-based disability organizations (CBOs), especially the DD providers, to increase their abilities to contract with integrated care and other health sector entities. One of the project’s first activities was to conduct an environmental scan to better understand the needs of the disability community. The environmental scan sought to answer questions surrounding:


·            CBO Familiarity with Integrated Care Terminology

·            Experience with Integrated Care

·            Organization’s Current Capabilities



Participate in this webinar to learn about the answers to these questions and how you might be able to use this information to support your work and partnerships with CBOs.  The webinar will also provide you with an opportunity to learn more about business acumen and how it can benefit your network, your community based services and most importantly, the people you serve.


Sheryl Matney, Director


202-506-5813 ext. 148


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