DD Councils,


Attached is a Severe Weather Toolkit that has been put together for March and Severe Weather Awareness Month. This Toolkit contains information that you may find helpful in communicating the importance of preparing for severe weather, included items: helpful Web sites, examples of social media messaging that could be used, template for a press release, etc.  Also, here is a link to the Office on Disability and Integration at FEMA (https://www.fema.gov/office-disability-integration-and-coordination). This is a good reminder to be engaged with or in contact with their State’s Emergency Management Office in regards to people with disabilities.


If you have any questions on this you can contact: xxxxxx@acl.hhs.gov.


Thank you,




Sara Newell-Perez
Program Specialist, Office of Program Support
Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Administration for Community Living
330 C Street, SW, Washington, DC 20201

Ph. 202.795.7413