Good Afternoon, DD Councils,




By now you should have all received “Tier 2 Review Summary” feedback based on the team review of the 5 Year State Plans and Work Plans.  Within that email, there were instructions provided as to whether the plan was approved for the full 5 years, or if updates were needed in January, amendments needed in August, or another time frame identified.


I have received word that in order for changes to be done in ACL Reporting, each individual section needing change will need to be “disapproved” within the system and then the overall report “rejected”.


The tier 2 Summary has given some guidance on this, but to speed this process along, I am asking Councils for the following information based on the date identified in the Tier 2 Review Summary email I sent:


January 2017: I have gone in for those Councils and disapproved sections identified in the Tier 2 Summary. If I have missed anyone or any sections needing updating, or if you cannot access the report in ACL Reporting, please send me an email ASAP.


Other timeframe: I have gone in for those Councils and disapproved/rejected the report.  If there is any area missed, please let me know.


Full Approval/Weaknesses to be addressed by 2017: I ask that these Councils provide me with an email as to the particular sections they wish to strengthen (based on reviewer feedback) or any sections where non-substantive changes are to be made.


August 15th Amendments: I have not gone in to the ACL Reporting system yet for these Councils.  While substantive amendments are due August 15th, should a Council have a non-substantive “update”, please let me know in what section that would be for.  I will “open” the rest of these reports however after the new year.


As a reminder to all, the report sections are:

Council Identification
Designated State Agency
Comprehensive Review and Analysis

5 Year Goals

Evaluation Plan

Logic Model

Projected Council Budget

Public Input and Review
FY17 Annual Work Plan

FY18 Annual Work Plan


Further guidance on State Plan Amendments and updates can be found at:


Questions: Several of you have reached out with questions related to the summary feedback, I will prioritize questions from the Jan 1 updates group at this time and then schedule time with the rest after that point.  I would also encourage Councils to utilize the various TA resources we have available on  Sheryl and Angela have developed many resources and continue to do so as needed.  If there is a particular topic area you think we should be focusing on, please let us know!




As a reminder, this will be the last year to report on the “old” State Plan.  The FY16 PPRs will be due in DD Suite ( by December 31st.  Most Councils have already begun entering information, but should you have any questions or run into any issues with this, please let me know.


Further guidance:


Thank you all for your continued work on plan implementation.  As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.





Sara Newell-Perez
Program Specialist, Office of Program Support
Administration on
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Administration for Community Living
330 C Street, SW, Washington, DC 20201

Ph. 202.795.7413