DD Councils,


I want to again thank you for your patience as we pioneer our way through the new ACL Reporting system.  Many of you have been successfully able to submit your State plan and corresponding work plans and many of you are nearing the finish line!


For those of you that have questions or are continuing to experience technical difficulties, please reach out for assistance. For your reference, here is the ACL Reporting USER GUIDE: http://itacchelp.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/FINAL_ACL-Reporting-User-Guide.pdf

and here is a link with more information on the State Plan, Work Plans, and Performance Measures: http://itacchelp.org/resources/five-year-state-plan/


A reminder that you are required to submit three items:

1.       5 Year State Plan

2.       FFY 17 Annual Work Plan

3.       FFY 18 Annual Work Plan


All three are due in ACL Reporting by the end of the day Monday, August 22, 2016.   Once the reports are submitted, the review process will begin and I will update you all as that process moves forward.


Thank you!



Sara Newell-Perez

Program Specialist


Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Administration for Community Living | U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services

330 C Street, SW  | Washington, DC 20201

Ph: 202.795.7413| Fax: 202.205.0402

Email: xxxxxx@acl.hhs.gov
Website: http://acl.gov/Programs/AIDD/Index.aspx