DD Councils,


As of last night, the following enhancements and issues have been addressed in ACL Reporting:




Please note: When the user has made some changes in a section and then clicks on Next without doing a Save, the following box will open up.  Make sure you do NOT check the box for, “Prevent this page from creating additional dialogs.”  If you check the box, then you will not be prompted again.  And you want the prompt to come up again, as this is another reminder for you to do a Save, so you won’t lose any data.  Clicking on OK means you are doing a Save.




In this deployment, the developers were also able to include the reminder if a user has not done a Save in the last 10 mins.  The whole page becomes black and the following message is displayed:




All these reminders about saving have been implemented so users will not lose data, as the developers continue to look for a more permanent solution to address the issue.


Again, we apologize for any inconvenience you’ve experienced waiting for these issues to be identified and addressed.  Please complete the revised sections and let us know if you have any further questions or concerns prior to submitting the State plan (now due: Monday, August 22, 2016).


Thank you,




Sara Newell-Perez

Program Specialist


Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Administration for Community Living | U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services

330 C Street, SW  | Washington, DC 20201

Ph: 202.795.7413| Fax: 202.205.0402

Email: xxxxxx@acl.hhs.gov
Website: http://acl.gov/Programs/AIDD/Index.aspx