Good afternoon,


For Friday, an article I found interesting (maybe it will stimulate a “Friday Question”). The author takes that concept of accessibility well beyond those I usually considered.

From the intro:

“This paper explores five levels of accessibility, extending the familiar notion of wheelchair access to the sensory and cognitive levels of accessibility. It is slanted towards autism-related accessibility, but the framework could be generalized and adapted to other kinds of people. The levels to be described are:

  1. movement
  2. sense
  3. architecture
  4. communication
  5. agency

Send me an email if you don’t get the attachment and want to read the article; I’d be happy to share it with you!


Joanna Cordry, M.Ed.

Planning Coordinator

Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities

512-437-5410 (phone)

512-437-5410 (fax)

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