ITACC Services

The ITACC services support Council members, Council Chairpersons, Council staff, and Council Executive Directors as they fulfill their purpose of being effective in advocacy, capacity building, and systems change agents.  ACL/OIDD requires a performance-based methodology for providing coordinated, comprehensive, specialized, and targeted training and technical assistance to the 56 Council’s.  Technical Assistance services are to be reliable, effective, efficient, and evolving and work towards achieving the goals of:

Core services

Rapid Response are requests for information by Council staff and members.  Standard requests are requests for information or assistance that can be provided quickly through email or telephone discussion.  Extended requests are more complex and often include a training or education component that is delivered via teleconference meeting or video conference meeting as a way to maximize resources and reduce the need for an in-person site visit.

Individualized or targeted technical assistance is time-intensive assistance provided to an individual DD Council, most often through an in-person site visit.

Technical Assistance Events are held in-person, or through webinar.  The events may be targeted for a particular group or be more broadly available to any staff or council member desiring to attend.  Examples include the Annual New Executive Director Orientation, the Annual Technical Assistance Institute, the Chairperson Leadership Training, Council Consortium Learning Conversations, and training and education on the Program Performance Report and State Plan Updates.

Product development and dissemination is used to share important information to all DD Councils.  Standard recurring products, such as e-newsletters, and stand-alone products such as TA Briefs and special reports are developed, disseminated, and posted and archived on the website. 

The website is used to house information that Councils can access on-demand.

Who to contact?

ITACC staff are available to help!  In order to assist you better, ITACC staff are assigned lead roles for TA services.  Below is information to assist you.

Sheryl is lead staff on the following activities:  Federal Reports (PPR and State plan development); Fiscal TA; Technical Assistance Institute; New Executive Director Orientation; TA Briefs, and Rapid Response (all topics).

Angela is lead staff on the following activities: 2022 – 2026 State Plan Development; Field Notes e-newsletter; Diversity, Cultural and Linguistic Competence; Chairperson and Member Leader Training; and Rapid Response (all topics).

Robin is lead staff on the following activities: Learning Consortium Conversations, DD Awareness Month.

Individualized or targeted technical assistance requests are assigned to staff as needs arise.



Sheryl R. Matney, EdD

Director, Technical Assistance

Information & Technical Assistance Center for Councils on DD

202-506-5813 ext. 148

334-268-0245 (direct)

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