Hi Sheryl. As you know we use DD Suite to collect narrative information and performance indicators, including the work of Council staff and members. We create a council activity for each 'internal' activity identified under each state plan objective. We assign the
related staff and set up regular reporting intervals (programmatic reporting), to collect all the narrative and performance data. Since PPR reporting is done by state plan goal and/or objective, this information is aggregated by the system, then edited and validated for the PPR. I've attached a screenshot that shows a typical setup and the list of council activities we had for plan goals 3 and 4 in 2018.
I am interested in knowing how Council's are collecting information about state plan projects and/or activities that are conducted by Council staff.
If you have information or a data collection/tracking form can you please share it with me? (xxxxxx@nacdd.org)
Thanks in advance,
Sheryl R. Matney, EdD, HS-BCP
Director, Technical Assistance
Information & Technical Assistance Center for Councils on DD
202-506-5813 ext. 148
334-268-0245 (direct)